
Check out our paintball ranges.  All paintballs are manufactured by reputable brands including Meteor, Empire and GI Sportz
Premium Meteor Paint balls are made in a state of the art factory to exacting standards, resulting in one of the worlds most reliable and consistent paintball made. Meteor have invested substantially in technology, human resource and research & development resulting in a world wide standard and being able to produce for every different condition the Globe over.  This comprehensive and deliberate process ensures YOU get a amazingly reliable consistent paintball, rain or shine, summer or winter and gives you the confidence needed to win!  Starting in 500 Round Quantities chose from the 6 different colors of the Meteor range! Blue, Lemon, Orange, Pink, Purple & Green!
GI Sportz 50cal is a quality printed field protected paintball ideal for field use. This ball is made to G.I. Sportz's high standards to ensure consistency and the right level of robustness for field use. The fills are bright, easy to clean and leave a good mark without containing any environmentally questionable ingredients. Contains Oil-Free Bio Fill.
Choose from our range of Empire Paintballs from Field grade (Heat) to Tournament (Formula13)

13 products